Our Team
Established in 2011, Together Reaching Unity (T.R.U. Org.) is an educational non-profit organization dedicated to empowering our youngest generations. Providing resources and mentors to inspire young people to maximize their full potential, while uniting economically and culturally diverse communities.
NIK CANER-MEDLEY, an entrepreneur with a professional basketball background serves as an Executive Director. Nik has a special talent for bringing people together, and creating great relationships. A talent that has guided his creation of the co working space Cloudport, as well as serving as CEO of Medley Properties. He has experienced first hand the power sports has in uniting and educating throughout the world, and wants to share that experience with young people.
COLBY EMMONS serves as Executive Director overseeing program creation, fundraising, along with work with volunteers. Colby has a commitment for social justice and outreach striving to make impacts on young people by spreading his joy of sports. Believes in the power of positive personal guidance and credits much of his development to his participation in sports.